Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Entry #3- last but not least!

This is the last entry for this comm theory blog and also marks the end of the semester. This semester is filled with every Tuesday and Thursday mornings trying our very best to not be late for class, and also looking forward to the entertaining videos shown every class. I can say that it was a very enjoyable class overall.

In the last part of comm theory class, though we had a tad more assignments to complete in a shorter amount of time, it was equally as pleasant. I actually enjoyed doing class assignments the most because they implore us to apply what we had learnt into them. Probably the one that the most time was spent on and that needed the most planning was the one in which we had to observe another culture and present our findings on it. It was the one which I liked best too. I was part of the culture that we had chosen (Yamaha Music School), and I realize that it was not easy for me to look at them as an outsider. I constantly have to remind myself that I have to view this objectively and make sure my evaluations are not clouded with what I had already know from working there. Listening to the other groups presenting on the different cultures further provide an insight to how culture can differ even when we are all living within the same country. It was a noval experience because I had not expected that we will get a chance to be ethnographers.

I noticed that all our written assignments require us to make use of what we have learned in each chapter. Rather then coughing up all those terms or explanations that had been taught in class, I find that most of time they got me thinking about the topics and how much we understand it, and they somehow seem to relate to our everyday lives. They also prompted me to do a little more research so that I am sure of what I am doing. These assignments did help me a lot in gaining a better understanding of the respective chapters. Compared to other classes that I took for this semester, comm theory class is the one with one of the mist assignments, and I am aware of the rationale behind it. Indeed these assignments and movie reviews proved to be helpful. It was great that the assignments were distributed equally throughout the semester. It beats having to rush all assignments at once at the end.

The blog entries that we had to do did allow us to reflect on what we had learned thus far as well. This blog though only include what we write only about class and comm theory related posts but it is something different for us to do. Actually, blogging is actually something which I won't mind doing for a class. To me, less informal. Being able to add pictures, or links to other related issues make it more interesting.

Initially, my first impression of this class was one that requires a lot of studying. Just by the mere word “theory” reminds me of different kinds of never-heard-before terms and a bunch of explanations to remember. Yes indeed, now I know that I was only half right. Of course, there is no escape from studying. But what is different is that we need to actually understand what the chapter is talking about to be able to apply in any situation. And I believe this is how Professor Armstrong would want us to learn. Personally, I think that learning is not learning when all you do is memorize, regurgitate and return what you remember in the exams.

All in all, we had come across lots of different theories in this class, whether is it theories about feminism, culture, or people dynamics. I believe this will be a stepping-stone and preparatory stage for us to take on more “adverse” modules in the future. I really had a great time taking your class Professor Armstrong! Thanks for everything! :)

Julie and Julia

In this entry, I would be blogging about the movie that we watched, Julie and Julia.

This story is about Julia Child, who took up cooking at the age of 37 for wanting to cook for her husband, Paul, and only knowing her passion for cooking then. She managed to publish her first book on French cooking which earn her, her fame. Julie on the other hand, is a call operator in the modern world. She has always been a fan of Julia Child and it sparked her to start what she calls the Julie/Julia Project. In 365 days, she will strive to try out 536 recipes in Julia’s Book. Throughout the whole movie, we see scenes moving through the different errs that they were in. how Julia struggles to write and publish her first book with her friends, Louisette Berthole and Simone Beck, and how Julie tries very hard to complete her challenge, risking her marriage and job in the process.

Initially, I had no idea what this move was about, or who Julie and Julia was. But after watching it, it proved to be something worth watching. I remember watching this movie together with Andrea, Eunice and Zhi Hua, and was on a Tuesday right after Comm Theory class. While waiting for the movie to start, all of us had a fulfilling lunch and being so early in the morning, we all thought we will lose watching the movie to the sleep monster. But, all turned all well. The movie was captivating enough and we stayed awake throughout the whole movie.

Talking about the main point of the entry, blogging. Blogging has somewhat become the most popular thing, especially for the teenagers. I had a blog too in the past, though now I rarely write anymore. And I remember the reason why I started one in the first place was because most of my classmates had one. I feel that blogging is gaining more and more attention, and now even people can gain fame just by blogging. Take for example, our very own Singapore famous blogger, Xiaxue (a nickname which means snowing in Chinese), and her blog address, www.xiaxue.blogspot.com.

Yes, from the movie, blogging was very prominent. Julie first got to start the challenge after she was introduced into the blogging world. Furthermore, though she met some setbacks at first when she started the project, she slowly gained her fame from her blog too. She started off as a nobody, but the blogging sphere made her somebody in the end. Other than fans who encourage and see her through her project she also mange to gain the media’s attention. And because of that, a much older Julia child in the modern era got to know who she is too. However, it seems that Julia does not understand why Julie is doing this and dislike her.

The only way she records her success, failures and even her life is through the blog she had. As we all know, blogs are not for private disclosures. And I guess that Julie understands, that is why she thinks twice about blogging about her fight with her husband. Being committed to update viewers about her progress using her blog, Julie becomes so preoccupied with the challenge feeling that she is accountable for this, she soon forgets to enjoy the feeling of cooking.

This blog that Julie has served a purpose. Not only did she gain recognition for herself in the academic world, by publishing 2 books, she also did introduce the art of French cooking and not forgetting Julia Child to the world. Without her blog, no one would know who Julia Child was, much less a movie made based on the true stories on both of them. Blogging has indeed played a major part in Julie’s life.

Overall, this is a very heart warming movie indeed. As someone who is more into action and comedies, I would have never chose to watch this on my own. I do recommend others to watch it if they haven’t done so. Before I end this blog entry, I would like to share Julie Powell’s blog, which I found online.


Julia in the movie and the real Julia.

The real Julie.